Photo: Philomena Hughes
I have had the privilege of participating in a number of professional development opportunities including workshops, conferences, training and seminars. Some of these pieces have had direct responsibility connected to my roles (i.e.: First Aid, Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training, Anti-Racism Training, etc.) while other opportunities have given me a broader perspective and experience – tools and knowledge to put away for the future. At times I was part of those asked to give a presentation or offer an exercise as part of the communal learning and at other times I was on the receiving end. No matter the context or learning outcomes of the professional development opportunity I have participated in I can see how the learning is transferable into my role as a teacher and in my role as an employee of a school district.
Some of the opportunities, and the learning gained form the opportunity, I have participated in include:
Practicum Profession Development Opportunities. Over my practicum I participated in the following opportunities: Kindergarten Forum Webinars, Teaching for Transformation, Kindergarten team collaboration, monthly WILD school committee meetings, outdoor classroom brainstorming and collaboration, Biweekly webinars with the Outclass Outdoor Education Forum, and Trauma Informed Practice Training.
Trauma Informed Practice with Angela Murphy. This 20 hour online module based training program is an opportunity that was provided to me during my practicum. I am currently in progress towards completing this training.
Play is the Way This five hour training was an introduction into a program that honours play as an essential part of early learning and the learning process. This program uses self-reflective language and guiding concepts to develop: self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, and social-management.
When the Worry Monster Attacks: Supporting Children Struggling with Anxiety with Dr. Vanessa Lapointe. This 6 hour workshop provided learning and perspective into some of the best ways to support children who are struggling with anxiety. I have used the strategies and insights that were gained through this workshop while both teaching, mentoring parents, and with children in my care.
Compassion Fatigue Workshop This five hour workshop was for individuals who work in caring professions, specifically those who are at risk of giving so much of themselves that they are not taking care of their own needs. The learning gained from this workshop have helped me form a healthy lifestyle and balance in my life.
Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training I’ve both participated in and taught this training since 2008. This training is focused on two areas 1) how to protect yourself from allegation of sexual misconduct and 2) how to spot and respond to individuals who have experienced sexual abuse. Most of my training has focused on the context of working with children and youth but has also reached into the broader context of working with all vulnerable persons.
Standard First Aid – CPR-C with AED I have kept my first aid certificate up to date since 2012 and have used my training in the workplace, at conferences and workshops, and as a citizen living in community by responding to unexpected medical situations until emergency responders arrived. I am committed to keeping this certificate up to date; I believe t is a responsibly I have as a leader in the community.
Anti-Racism Training This training focused on recognizing racism, engaging critically in anti-racism, enacting anti-racism practices in all contexts, and on learning the tools to deal with racism when it shows up.
Creating Trusting Communities Workshop How do we create a community of trust and support? How do we do this in intergenerational contexts? In interfaith and intercultural settings? How do we work towards everyone experiencing a trusting community atmosphere recognizing that this may look and feel different for different people.
Stronger Together This weeklong Youth Coordinator consultation and gathering has taken place yearly since 2011, I have had the opportunity to attend four times. At one gathering I was invited to present on the youth leadership development programming I had planned and supported over recent years. This is a time of networking, ongoing training, resource sharing, and retreat.